Second Chance Bus
We understand that unexpected circumstances can sometimes arise, leading students to miss their scheduled morning bus. To provide additional flexibility and support, we are pleased to announce the availability of a Second Chance Bus option for students at Discovery and North.
We encourage you to discuss this option with your student and ensure they understand the schedule and expectations for the Second Chance Bus.
Eligibility: Students who miss the regular morning bus due to unforeseen reasons may utilize the Second Chance Bus.
Responsibility: Students using the Second Chance Bus are responsible for their own behavior on the bus and adherence to school rules and regulations.
Attendance: Daily (on-time) attendance is still a requirement for all students and the Second Chance Bus does not excuse the late arrival to school.
Breakfast: Because this transportation opportunity is taking place later in the morning, breakfast will not be served at the building, but a snack for students will be provided on the bus or at school arrival.
Partnership: This opportunity is made possible in collaboration with Stearns County Human Services.
Designated Stops
The Second Chance Bus will have a designated stop at a specific location.
*The bus will depart promptly from each of the stops listed below at the time outlined
Discovery Community School Route
A. 9:20 am - 2nd St S & 24th Ave S
B. 9:22 am - 32nd Ave N & 2nd St N
C. 9:24 am- 121 Park Ave S
D. 9:27 am - 2nd St N & 9th Ave (Waite Park)
E. 9:29 am - 15th Ave N @ Westchester Apts
F. 9:35 am - 408 Park Meadows Dr (near Stop sign)
G. 9:41 am - Claroma St & Arbor St
H. 9:50 am - Discovery Community School
Discovery Route Map
North Junior High Route #1
A. 10:03 am - 18th St SE & 9th Ave SE
B. 10:08 am - 5th Ave NE & 5th St NE
C. 10:12 am - 5th St N & 8th Ave N
D. 10:16 am - 4th St N & 21st Ave N
E. 10:17 am - 26th Ave N & 2nd St N
F. 10:19 am - 415/419 33rd Ave N (Pantown Drive)
G. 10:25 am - 8th Ave N & 14th St N
H. 10:30 am - North Junior High
North Route #1 Map
North Junior High Route #2
A. 9:53 am - 625/1021/1109/1131 7th St S (Prosper Apt 4 way stop)
B. 9:57 am - Claroma St & Joymar Dr
C. 10:06 am - 408 Park Meadows Dr (by Stop sign)
E. 10:10 am - 15th Ave N @ WChester Apt (30,40,50,60,110 4-way stop)
F. 10:17 am - Kenwood Rd & Cypress Rd
G. 10:21 am - Glenview Lane & Case Lane
H. 10:23 am - Troop Dr & 22nd St S- Sartell
I. 10:30 am - North Junior High